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Iron Man - Black Sabbath


Iron Man
Album: Iron Man
Skupina/interpret: Black Sabbath
Délka: 00:05:54
Pořadí: 8
Zobrazeno: 3575x
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Text skladby

I am Iron Man!Has he lost his mind?Can he see or is he blind?Can he walk at allOr if he moves will he fall?Is he alive or dead?Has he thoughts within his head?We'll just pass him thereWhy should we even care?He was turned to steelIn the great magnetic fieldWhen he travelled timeFor the future of mankindNobody wants himHe just stares at the worldPlanning his vengeanceThat he will soon unfoldNow the time is hereFor Iron Man to spread fearVengeance from the graveKills the people he once savedNobody wants himThey just turn their headsNobody helps himNow he has his revengeHeavy boots of leadFills his victims full of dreadRunning as fast as they canIron Man lives again!