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Map of the Problematique - Muse


Map of the Problematique
Album: Black Holes and Revelations
Skupina/interpret: Muse
Délka: 00:04:18
Pořadí: 4
Zobrazeno: 738x
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Text skladby

Fear and panic in the air
I want to be free
From desolation and despair
And I feel like everything I sow
Is being swept away
Well I refuse to let you go

I can't get it right
Get it right
Since I met you

Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over

Life will flash before my eyes
So scattered and lost
I want to touch the other side
And no one
Thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see
That when we bleed we bleed the same

I can't get it right
Get it right
Since I met you

Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over
Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over