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Present Tense - Pearl Jam


Present Tense
Album: No Code
Skupina/interpret: Pearl Jam
Délka: 00:05:47
Pořadí: 10
Zobrazeno: 609x
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Do you see the way that tree bends?
Does it inspire?
Leaning out to catch the suns rays
A lesson to be applied
Are you getting something out of this
All encompassing tree?
You can spend your time alone
Redigest in past regrets, oh
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who can't forgive yourself
Makes much more sense
To live, in the present tense
Have you ideas on how this life ends?
Check your hands and study the lines
Have you ever believed that the road ahead
Ascends off into the light?
Seems that needlessly it's getting harder
To find an approach and a way to live
Are we getting something out of this
All encompassing dream?
You can spend your time alone
Redigest in past regrets
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who cannot forgive yourself
Make much more sense
To live in the present tense